The Eternal State

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01 January 2015

Health Update

Update on the health situation. With this congestive heart failure there are definitely issues! For example it appears I'm going to be on oxygen 24 /7 indefinitely. 

Little bit of a bummer. 

Also getting dizzy and falling against the wall has happened. But like I say it ain't the first time I've hit the wall! Then sometimes I get so cold I feel like an icicle .... weird. 

Oh yeah, then there's the shortness of breath. It's like trying to run a wrongly carbureted car in Denver. All that aside, its just like running an old vintage race car, you got to take care of it and it'll run to finish. 

Thanks everyone for your support and your friendship, I appreciate it.

Also thanks to those who made donations thus far. We are not "out of the woods" financially yet but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We hope it ain't the train!

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