The Eternal State

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12 October 2013

Amazing Happenings

Totality has been busy! The old body's arms are recovering beyond anyone's expectations and there have been wonderfully generous contributions that have been of great help. The most recent two that moved the old heart were a gift enabling the attainment of new and improved dentures, and help to replace a busted piece of computer equipment.

Then I was gifted with the presence of a marvelous and generous young fellow who came and cleaned my floors and bathroom, which I still have trouble with as it is quite difficult to put "scrubbing" pressure on the arms. Plus, he was very, very open to The Message and had deep insights. He left with tears of joy on his shining face! THAT makes it ALL more than worth it: being here for others is like a dream come true; way better than winning races ever was.

Uncaused joy. It's contagious, ya know... wow.

Thanks again to all who have participated here. I Love you all with all my heart.

PS:  The entire "teaching" is HERE

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