The Eternal State

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08 August 2013

Let's Get Real

Just watched your video and thanks for your brutal honesty. It is very refreshing. I really hope the bodily suffering gets better and hope you've got some good drugs.
Wishing you well. -Nick

Thank you Charlie for your authenticity...getting real is not so common in the non dual community! take care!;-) -Nito

Hi Charlie, sorry to hear about the aches and pains you are going through.... I really appreciate you being so outgoing and honest about your experiences and still pointing to what you are. -Las

Thanks Charlie! I love you for that little dialogue. I really do. -SCH

"Appreciate your words and the sincerity in what you say. Good to cut through the spiritual bullshit and get to the crux of the matter that there is suffering in life and it is not all plain sailing on the path of liberation." -Colin

I wanted to write to you and say THANK YOU for making your youtube video "Lets Get Real". Of all the videos, all the books I have ever watched/read this is by far the best and most real thing I have ever witnessed... -J

 "... an honesty rare to find on the non dual circuit"-S

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