Charlie Hayes (Dec 1936- ) is a former top ten worldwide professional racing driver and Ferrari dealer; lost it all in bankruptcy, divorce and mental breakdown in June 1974. He was prompted by a friend to read Baba Ram Dass' book "Be Here Now" in '74; that led him to meet Swami ( Baba ) Muktananda in December 1974. He then started Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's TM (Transcendental meditation) in May of 1975. "TM was THE intro I needed; right away I experienced the "beyondness" of my Natural State with TM," he says.
On the urging of a TM teacher friend, Hayes took the 'est' training in April 1978; he then met 'est' founder and humanitarian Werner Erhard in 1978 and was a member of his staff for several months; he subsequently did course work with Erhard's then associate Dr. Fernando Flores, and Landmark Education, an offshoot of Erhard’s teachings.
Charlie was then led to meet Wayne Liquorman in 2002, and 'sat with' Wayne for two years. He also 'digitized' over 200 hours of Ramesh Balsekar's talks during that time, and absorbed Ramesh's 'take' on Nonduality through listening to every word as he captured the audio cassettes and converted them to MP3s that Wayne could preserve and sell on his website.
Then he met spiritual author/teacher John Wheeler in 2004, who steered him to ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson, whom Charlie met and spent several days with in Melbourne, Australia, in the fall of 2005. "Bob 'did it' for me, Hayes said in January 2012.
All pointed out the obviousness of Presence-Awareness and the nonexistence of any separate ‘me’. Great good fortune!
Hayes: "I LOVE sharing the profound possibility of the end of suffering and the realization of True Self-Knowing with sincere seekers of truth, at his home in Reno, Nevada, USA, and by phone or Skype. This expression is raw, open and real. No cliches,. dogma or other bullshit here. I offer only the toughest love imaginable. Not for sissies or pretenders!
If you would like to more deeply explore The Pathless Path Of Being, consultations are available... in person if you can travel to Reno, Nevada, or by telephone or on Skype. Advance payment and booking required: Go HERE for details. Call to arrange a Time and Date: Telephone +1 775-342-3561 or Skype charliehayes36, or e-mail, and specify 2-3 options of day and time that work for you.
Charlie also answers brief questions by e-mail and phone by donation (any amount is fine.) Consultations are One on One and take about an hour. If you are interested in ending the search for your true Nature, please do get in touch about scheduling a talk.
And note that MANY Books and Podcasts are also available. Immersing oneself in these expressions can dissolve confusion, leaving what You Always ARE shining with the pure radiance of Non-conceptual Self-Knowing Awareness.
Also, we highly recommend the book "Oneness"; go HERE for more! And Jeff Foster, who is at
If this space is valuable to you please make a donation of any amount that is comfortable for you, to keep this Message from Self to Self "live on line". THANKS to those who are donating and keeping the expression available to all.
Note: Donations to The Eternal State - Advaita Nonduality are not deductible for US income tax purposes. We are non-profit but not incorporated as such (too expensive!)
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