Regular readers here know that the old body called Charlie has sustained serious injuries, and for a few weeks there was a clear sense that the expression of Nondual Essence would have to be curtailed due to the pain and difficulty typing, talking and so on. Some of you know that I am a trained Usui Reiki III master/teacher, and I am here to tell you Reiki has been a great help in my physical recovery! Yes, there is still great pain. Both shoulders and arms are still mighty deranged ... hence the nickname "T-Rex! And yet, this typing happening here is amazingly, far easier now. The Self-Expression that I treasure - sharing the insights and wisdom garnered in nearly four decades of spiritual work - is so joyous, that I am very pleased that It is doing Itself through this old pattern of energy, it makes me smile inside and the feeling of the true radiance of being just lights me up! SO cool.
There are challenges, physically and financially, of course. That play of Totality is completely perfect, though. As 'Sailor' Bob damson reminds us, quoting the Zen sage Bankei, "All is naturally taken care of in and by The Unborn (paraphrased, memory is iffy!).
In any case the news is better. The therapy and pain management is quite satisfactory, and though neither shoulder will be anything like fully functional again without major (painful, debilitating and hugely costly) surgery, the workarounds that naturally have developed make daily functioning, while awkward, entirely "doable" - inasmuch as there is actually and "do-er"! Ha.
And as a few donations and book sales trickle in, I remain hopeful that we can continue to develop the expression. A new, more competently designed website is badly needed (see the sidebar note on the top right), and I am trusting that funding will come (as always from The Unborn) to facilitate that.
So that’s all the news that's fit to type tonight. Know that you are loved absolutely and there is always a warm, grateful feeling for all who visit here.
May you know the peace of Who You Are, in the Immediacy of This Presence, Awareness, Aliveness ...Right Now!
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