Question: A.J. Writes, Nisargadatta says: "Knowing you are nothing is wisdom. Knowing you are everything is Love". This suggests there are two steps. One step is the realisation: I am no-thing. Second step is the realisation: I AM LOVE.
Charlie: A.J., I have one question for you, now: Are you suffering? All this philosophical meandering will never end the suffering of the seeker. You’ll have a library full of quotes and pointers that you can read while you’re suffering, OR you can look at what is Real and what is False and end the seeking and suffering right now. It seems that it’s “up to you.” But is anything up to this idea of a “you?”
1. Do you exist? YES, before thought is, you are this: I AM.
2. Who are you? Nothing but That. Ask YOU, “Who Am I?”
So long as there is a belief in a "you," a "doer," put that doer-you to the task of asking "Who Am I?" and ONLY THAT, until no “separate one” that believes he is and can do, is left to ask. “Who Am I?”
From listening to and watching the various expressions of non-duality-teachers I get the impression that most of those teachers only realized the first step. I am No-Thing. As I see it that looks like a DONUT. You know, donut, hole in the center, rest of the cake one perfect ZERO. The hole being the space where once the ego dwelled. The ZERO-shape can be seen as the remaining, persisting activity of what I call 'self-ing'. Consciousness has not ceased to be.
Pass the donuts, I’m hungry. I’ll have a chocolate one! Look: Consciousness is an ASPECT of Being. Call that Being-Awareness or Being-Consciousness; words that POINT to the indescribable Eternal Isness of The Whole.
But first off let’s get the Nisargadatta quote accurate: The above is an interpretation. That’s what the mind does, and that’s why the direct pointers of a Christ or a Buddha, a Ramana Maharshi or a Nisargadatta, are lost in the mire of reinterpretation by ignorant minds that altered the sayings to fit THEIR conceptual understanding. And the seeker suffers due to this misinterpretation! Here is as close as we can get (Maurice Freydam’s translation, in “I Am That”): "When I know I am nothing; that is wisdom. When I know I am everything; that is love. My life moves between the two."
Leaving out the third pointer,”…life moves between the two,” is what the mind does to separate wholeness. The inclusiveness of the whole quote is lost as the focus goes on two apparently separate occurrences.
Of course the word “when” implies “time” and so we always have a falling short of the actual whenever words are used. Words ONLY point to the Timeless Wordless Isness of The Natural Eternal Being-Presencing-Aliveness.
And so dear One, this myth of “steps” and “realizations” and “becoming” will keep you stuck in the story of path and goal forever! The sudden Seeing is always right now and is spontaneously BOTH Nothing AND Everything … and all there IS, is That Love, loving to BE. Full Stop. All that arises is arising IN You As You: Not Two. This word, “Advaita,” is a description of an indescribable Seeing that all there is, is One-Essence, Aliveness. This cannot be repeated too often! So, this is the great death of paths and goals in what IS … This Being. Nothing Being Everything, if you like.
All you are doing here is analyzing pointers. LOOK where the pointers POINT!
Tony Parsons says that after the 'walk in the park' there were many years of alternating 'me-ing' and 'be-ing'. This activity finally died away and ever since LOVE shines. LOVE that embraces everything. The energy of the personal self has burnt up and no-self is the living reality. 'Gone, gone beyond' as the Buddha says. Nirvana! Beyond Being.
So that’s a description of a story and when you take the story as a ‘path” you stay stuck in becoming! There is NO “state” of “no-self, living reality.” Again and again comes the pointless pointer: All there is, is this Aliveness, and THIS includes absolutely all of it, everything: THIS IS IT: This Pain, pleasure, seeing, not seeing, apparent bondage, apparent liberation, being and not being … WHAT can be EXCLUDED from the Whole!!?? THIS IS the "LOVE that embraces everything!" It's never been ABSENT! This mind delusion is of a “person” trying to grasp the Whole and the “person” is merely an idea in your mind. All you are seeing is your own mind, which ultimately is the One “minding” but in this interim dark night you believe it is real and so try to figure out how to not be!
So okay, go ahead, get away from Being. Run! Run fast and maybe you’ll escape your Being-Awareness-Aliveness! RUN!
How’s that going?
Getting stuck in the first step is getting stuck in what Tony calls 'The Glasshouse". A sort of getting frozen in space. This can be very delusive.
To WHO? You believe all this crap? Tony would be laughing his head off I suspect, at how you re-interpret what is being shared. This is YOUR delusion, no one else’s, dear friend. The simplicity of The Message is not being heard, because "you" are "trying to hear it!"
One can have the notion of being enlightened. But underneath the self is subtly lurking in the dark. The final frontier is not yet passed. Is there a final step beyond Being? And is there a total cessation of consciousness? A total and absolute death before the dead of the body.
This death is what IS. “You” were simply never born! All that was born and can die is an idea, a fixated belief in a separate entity called “me” that OWNS “this body” as “my” body” and these thoughts and feelings as “my thoughts and feelings” and this apparent universe as "my universe." But HOW can what was never ever born ever “die?” You are already dead. Dead man talking!
See that all that is happening is a “me” identity is fixated on stories of paths and final steps and someday and perhaps there will be a dropping off of the false. Seemingly it dawns on “you” that there IS no “you” and there never WAS. But that will ever and only be Right Now Right here … and since you are and you cannot escape that you are, Being Itself, then there may be a hearty laugh and then it’s off to the pub!
How do you look at this Charlie? Does what I'm saying make sense or is it Bullshit?
It may “make sense” to a mind. BUT: All that “makes sense” is FALSE! Why trade the Unborn Aliveness for “understanding?” That’s to sell a diamond for the price of spinach!
Again, A.J., I have one question for you, now: Are you suffering? All this philosophical meandering will never end the suffering of the seeker. You’ll have a library full of quotes and pointers that you can read while you’re suffering, OR you can look at what is Real and what is False and end the seeking and suffering right now. It seems that it’s “up to you.” But is anything up to this idea of a “you?”
Do you exist?
Who are you?
Thank you for your wonderful reply!
De Nada! :-)
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